Fast and Furious: A Prequel

Our latest Wikileaks release shows that the United States is assassinating Mexicans without trial, and the ATF gunwalking scandal may have just been the latest controversy in a longer chain of corruption.

Many know about the US Alcohol, Tabacco, and Firearms (ATF) Gunwalking scandal, better known as the “Fast and Furious” campaign which has been sweeping the media recently. However, according to an email in the Wikileaks Global Intelligence Files, it may have been more than just guns that the United States was pushing into Mexico. Mr. Burton the Vice President of Intelligence for Stratfor, emailed the secure mailing list stating that he had information that a US Congressman, TV Network, and potentially 60 Minutes (a TV News Magainze) were all looking into the possibility that President Calderon of Mexico was corrupt and the Sinaloa Cartel being the true runners of Mexico.

The only people who know the details of this story are the congressperson, or these unnamed reporters. However, the tough question now must be asked: has Calderon’s war on drugs in Mexico, been to secure the Sinaloa’s place on the foodchain?

Calderon ** not for pub ** pls do not forward **

Date 2010-04-07 22:55:08
From [email protected]
To [email protected]
Others Others MessageId: <[email protected]>
InReplyTo: [email protected]
** not for pub ** pls do not forward **According to a US Congressman, a major network and possibly 60 Minutes
are very discreetly nosing around on the corruption allegations against
Calderon and him being owned and operated by the Sinaloa. The story
will focus on Caledron being dirty, but dovetail into the Sinaloa Cartel
running Mexico, not the Mexican government. The Congressman expects the
story to cause foreign AND domestic policy problems for the Obomo
Administration since we are flooding the MX Cartel nation w/U.S.
tax-payer dollars…

It doesn’t answer the question, but further emails let us see that President Calderon is open to CIA/DEA assasinations of Mexican citizens… as long as he maintains plausible deniability.

MX – Obama ** not for pub – pls do not forward **

Date 2011-04-26 20:43:25
From [email protected]
To [email protected]
Others MessageId: <[email protected]>
InReplyTo: [email protected]
** not for pub – pls do not forward ** sole source informationObama won’t approve a finding for covert action inside MX based on
“moral ground”. Calderon has told a few that violence has reached a
point that he would turn a blind eye to unilateral CIA or DEA actions,
if they wanted to go down that path, as long as he has “plausible
deniability.”One of the scenarios discussed to kill El Chapo or other Zeta HVT’s was
a 1000 yard head shot by a U.S. shooter, to plant the seed of paranoia
in the minds of the narcos as to who pulled the trigger.
CIA “Ground Branch” assets and/or DEA SO have stated they have the
ability and intelligence to pull it off without getting caught.

(Emails thanks to Wikileaks, and come from the stratfor files)

With the recent murder of US workers in an embassy vehical, it raises the question if perhaps the federal police are tired of working for the United States. Recently Mexico received over 1.5 billion US dollars to help the drug war (and as we see above, to help train mexico’s military to assassinate it’s own citizens).

This leak opens more questions up than answers them: How many Mexican citizens have US military killed? What happened to the reporting on this story by 60 Minutes? Whose team is Calderon really on? When the leader of a country is willing to turn his head the other way as his citizens are murdered by a foreign nation, without any due process… What else is he, and his government, capable of?

UPDATE: Sunday 26th 2012
I had originally reported that the two shot were “ambassadors”, when in reality, they were both US workers who were in an embassy vehicle. Corrections have been made.

Update: Anonymous Venezuela provided a translation:
Nuestro último lanzamiento Wikileaks demuestra que Estados Unidos está asesinando a los mexicanos sin juicio, y el escándalo gunwalking ATF puede haber sido la última controversia en una cadena más larga de la corrupción.
Muchos saben sobre el Alcohol EE.UU., Tabaco y Armas de Fuego (ATF) Gunwalking escándalo, más conocido como el “Fast and Furious”, campaña que se ha extendido por los medios de comunicación recientemente. Sin embargo, de acuerdo a un correo electrónico en el directorio Archivos de Inteligencia Global de Wikileaks, pudo haber sido algo más que las armas que Estados Unidos estaba presionando a México. Sr. Burton empleado de Stratfor, enviado por correo electrónico la lista de correo seguro indicando que él tenía información de que un miembro del Congreso de EE.UU., Red TV, y posiblemente 60 minutos (una TV Noticias Magainze) estaban todos mirando en la posibilidad de que el presidente Calderón de México era corrupto y el Cartel de Sinaloa siendo los verdaderos corredores de México.
Las únicas personas que conocen los detalles de esta historia son el congresista, o estos reporteros sin nombre. Sin embargo, la pregunta difícil ahora hay que preguntarse: tiene la guerra de Calderón contra las drogas en México, ha sido garantizar la posición del Sinaloa en la cadena alimenticia?
Calderón no ** para pub ** pls no envían **

Fecha 2010-04-07 22:55:08
De [email protected]
A [email protected]
Otros Otros MessageId:
inReplyTo: 4BBCE478.3090803 @
** No para pub pls ** no ** adelante Según un miembro del Congreso de EE.UU., una red importante y posiblemente 60 Minutos
son muy discretamente husmeando en las acusaciones de corrupción contra
Calderón y él que es propiedad y está operado por el Sinaloa. La historia
se centrará en Caledron ser sucio, pero encajan en el Cartel de Sinaloa
México no marcha, el gobierno mexicano. El congresista espera que la
historia de causar problemas de política extranjera y nacional para la Obomo
Administración ya que están inundando el país Cartel MX c / EE.UU.
pagador de impuestos de dólares …
No responde a la pregunta, pero más correos electrónicos veamos que el presidente Calderón está abierto a la CIA / DEA asesinatos de ciudadanos mexicanos … mientras él mantiene una negación plausible.
MX – Obama ** no para bar – pls no envían **

Fecha 2011-04-26 20:43:25
De [email protected]
A [email protected]
Otros IdMensaje:
inReplyTo: 4BFC90C6.6030508 @
** No para bar – pls no adelante informationObama ** única fuente no aprobará un hallazgo para la acción encubierta dentro MX basada en
“principios morales”. Calderón ha dicho a algunos que la violencia ha llegado a un
punto que iba a hacer la vista gorda a las acciones unilaterales CIA o la DEA,
si querían ir por ese camino, siempre y cuando él tiene “plausible
negación. “Uno de los escenarios analizados para matar a El Chapo u otro Zeta HVT era
una cabeza de patio 1000 un disparo de un tirador de EE.UU., para plantar la semilla de la paranoia
en la mente de los narcos en cuanto a quién apretó el gatillo.
CIA “Branch tierra” activos y / o la DEA SO han declarado ellos tienen la
capacidad y la inteligencia para llevarlo a cabo sin ser descubierto.
(gracias emails a Wikileaks , y proceden de los archivos de Stratfor)
Con el reciente asesinato de los embajadores de Estados Unidos , se plantea la pregunta de si acaso la policía federal está cansado de trabajar para Estados Unidos. Recientemente México recibió más de 1,5 millones de dólares para ayudar a la lucha contra la droga (y como vimos anteriormente, para ayudar tren militar en México para asesinar a sus ciudadanos propios).
Esta pérdida se abre más interrogantes que respuestas a ellas: ¿Cuántos ciudadanos mexicanos han matado militar de EE.UU.? ¿Qué pasó con la presentación de informes sobre esta historia en 60 minutos? Cuyo equipo está realmente en Calderón? Cuando el líder de un país está dispuesto a volver la cabeza hacia otro lado mientras sus ciudadanos son asesinados por una nación extranjera, sin el debido proceso … ¿Qué otra cosa es que él y su gobierno, capaz de?


  1. Aelius Blythe

    Wow, that sounds bad. I’m particularly interested in this question, though:

    “What happened to the reporting on this story by 60 Minutes?”

    With a story that all sides (US/Mexican govs/Cartels) are willing, able and have incentive to suppress, the fact that I can’t tell which one is more likely to suppress it is sad. (In other words, I’d LIKE to think our own gov isn’t silencing reporters, but . . . LOL.)

    “Calderon. . . would turn a blind eye to unilateral CIA or DEA actions. . . ”

    The extent to which we (as a country) are willing to meddle violently in the rest of the world is chilling. Even if our actions have the backing of a corrupt Calderon, one has to wonder if that even matters.

  2. Antony Goddard

    Why is the USA fighting a drug war at all ? Surely the militarisation is a worse problem than a few drug addicts. In my experience marijuana, heroin, cocaine, XTC etc. will never attain 100% market penetration.

    1. trolololo

      But, but, but…. THE CHILDREN!!!

  3. Babakak

    “With the recent murder of US ambassadors, it raises the question if perhaps the federal police are tired of working for the United States.”

    This is poor reporting… source material clearly states that two embassy workers were injured… no ambassadors have been murders (I’m pretty sure each country only gets one ambassador at the most anyway).

    1. Travis McCrea

      This has been updated, thank you for the catch.

  4. Babakak

    “With the recent murder of US ambassadors, it raises the question if perhaps the federal police are tired of working for the United States.”

    This is poor reporting… source material clearly states that two embassy workers were injured… no ambassadors have been murdered (I’m pretty sure each country only gets one ambassador at the most anyway).

  5. TTime

    State sponsored terrorism?



    And The Iran-Contra affair never happened. 19 arab muslims with boxcutters did it, all by themselves…

  6. 08/25/12 | This Day in WikiLeaks

    […] & Co published an analysis of WikiLeaks’ GI Files which show that the U.S. is assassinating Mexicans without trial, and how the ATF gunwalking scandal may just be the latest controversey in a long chain of […]

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